Continuing care for Patrick


Once Patrick’s physical recovery was on track it was time to return to the farm and back to school. To help, Patrick accessed 40 hours of tutoring through the Ronald McDonald Learning Program. It was through this program Patrick met Christine, a qualified teacher who would work one-on-one with him to help him catch up at school.

Elyse and her husband Jason not only run a busy sheep farm in Bridgetown, 260km from Perth, but they are also proud parents to Patrick, Geoffrey, Hayden and Lacey.

Sadly, for their eldest son Patrick, life on the farm has come with its challenges, suffering from alarming seizures caused by epilepsy.

Brave Patrick has endured a rollercoaster of hospital stays, appointments, and school absences. You may not know, but epilepsy can cause problems beyond seizures. It can affect memory, attention, and concentration, and massively disrupt a child’s schooling.

When medication couldn’t keep Patrick’s seizures under control, Elyse and Jason were told the only hope was a major surgery on his brain.

The six-hour brain surgery was in Perth, three and a half hours from the farm. When they were told they could stay at Ronald McDonald House at QEII they felt such a relief. Only expecting to stay 5 to 10 days…a complication in surgery meant the family ended up staying for 50 nights.

Patrick’s left side was so weak after the brain surgery that his ability to walk was affected. He needed two hours of physiotherapy and occupational therapy each day, leaving him mentally and physically exhausted.

While Patrick was in treatment, he missed the start of Year 7. But school was the last thing on their minds at that point. They’d been told that trying to study could exhaust Patrick’s brain and set his recovery back.

As Patrick faced these huge hurdles, Ronald McDonald House Charities WA was there, letting the family know they didn’t have to do this alone.

Once Patrick’s physical recovery was on track it was time to return to the farm and back to school. To help, Patrick accessed 40 hours of tutoring through the Ronald McDonald Learning Program. It was through this program Patrick met Christine, a qualified teacher who would work one-on-one with him to help him catch up at school.

Patrick began meeting Christine via Zoom. She quickly worked out what Patrick had missed, and the best ways to help him thrive at school.

As months went by, Elyse and Jason noticed an extraordinary change in their son. Patrick’s self-esteem was growing, and he was going off to school much happier than before. It was clear that the support he received from Christine lifted his confidence in every part of life.

At Ronald McDonald House Charities WA, we understand that recovery isn’t just leaving the hospital. That’s why we provide services like the Ronald McDonald Learning Program that extend beyond the four walls of our supported accommodation.

How would our wonderful boy learn at school if he couldn’t remember teachers’ names or where his classrooms were? How can a child recover from brain surgery and thrive at the same time? As Patrick faced these huge hurdles, Ronald McDonald House Charities WA was there, letting us know we didn’t have to do this alone. They told us Patrick could access 40 hours of tutoring through the Ronald McDonald Learning Program…at no cost! A qualified teacher would work one-on-one to help him catch up at school. I was amazed to learn they had a network of teachers across the state and were able to support students at all levels, even with specialist subjects. - Elyse, Patrick's mum

Every sick and injured child needs the best chance to recover and thrive – including Patrick, who has big dreams for his future.

Demand for the Ronald McDonald Learning Program is growing – we need your help so no child misses out.

We couldn’t provide support to WA families without you.

Who is eligible to use the Ronald McDonald Learning Program (RMLP)?

The primary goal of the RMLP is to assist school-aged children, from kindergarten to Year 12, with serious illness or injury to catch up on their learning.

Your family does not have to have stayed in a Ronald McDonald House for you to be eligible to apply for the RMLP for a school-aged child.


We understand that having kids who are sick or injured can put families under financial pressure. That's why the RMLP is free for eligible families.

What's covered?

Most children will receive up to 40 hours (i.e. four school terms) of one-on-one tuition with a qualified and registered teacher, along with speech and/or occupational therapy if required and a psychometric assessment with an educational psychologist.

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Once Patrick’s physical recovery was on track it was time to return to the farm and back to school. To help, Patrick accessed 40 hours of tutoring through the Ronald McDonald Learning Program. It was through this program Patrick met Christine, a qualified teacher who would work one-on-one with him to help him catch up at school.

Acknowledgement of Country

Ronald McDonald House Charities WA acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation.  We pay our respects to Elders, past and present for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.  We recognise their enduring and continuing connection to the sky, lands, waters, and culture of this land.