02 Aug Conference Presentation: Mindfulness and Technology: How to Reconnect with Students in the Modern Age
In the modern technology age that we exist, it is easy to lose track of the best and most beneficial ways to approach screen time for children. For students living with executive dysfunction as a result of their chronic illness, the line between what educates and what restricts through the use of technology, blurs even further.
This presentation aims to discuss link between chronic illness and executive functioning, the role technology plays and how we can utilise all the benefits of technology, particularly through mindfulness, to reconnect and reimagine the ways in which we can educate and support.
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Presentation details:
- Presented at: RMHC H.E.L.P. Conference 2022
- Presentation: Mindfulness and Technology: How to Reconnect with Students in the Modern Age
- Presenters: Renae Anthony, Education Coordinator for the Ronald McDonald Learning Program in WA, and Stephanie Pavlinovich, Education Services Manager at Ronald McDonald House Charities Western Australia.
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